How VAXA meets the 10 carbon credit quality metrics

1. Governance-Icelandic ISO Standards íST TS 92_2000.

2. Tracking-International Carbon Registry provides traceability using electronic registration.

3. Transparency– Issuance of ICR carbon credits (ICCs).

4. Quantification methodology– Established, Verified by Earthood, a global Validation & Verification leader in the Carbon market (12 International Accreditations and 2,000 Carbon projects), involving public stakeholders & independent experts.

5. Additionality– As a first-of-its-kind methodology, additionality has been established and validated. 

6. Permanence– Nutritional replacement – no potential leakage. 

7. Robust– Quantification of emissions reductions and removals. Science-backed methodology. Predictable, year-round. 

8. No double counting– ICR – Electronic verification w/complete audit trail on GHG emission reductions. 

9. Sustainable Development– Making Impact nutrition available to people in developing countries.

10. Contribution to net zero transition– Contribution to a net zero transition by avoiding emissions caused by the intensive beef industry, with a carbon-neutral production process that leverages clean geothermal energy and its waste streams.